I Almost Tossed My Brand New iPad

When I finally got an iPad Pro, I was so excited because I could finally try out all the cool digital drawing apps. It was time to “level up” from just using pencils and paints to create my artwork. I remember pulling it out of the packaging and holding it as if it was a newborn baby, afraid to even breathe on it wrong in case it broke.

When I got home, I immediately set to work downloading the latest and greatest digital art apps including Procreate, Inspire Pro, ArtRage Vitae, and Zen Brush. I started searching for all the free brushes I could use in those apps and felt like I had just unlocked a world of infinite possibilities.

But then I sat down with my brand new iPad with a brand new Apple Pencil and began to draw… and I hated it! My pencil slipped across the screen and I had little to no control over my movements. What on earth? How do all the digital artists online make it look so easy? Do I have to learn a whole new method of drawing? I became incredibly discouraged and even considered returning my iPad to get my money back. Maybe this wasn’t for me.

Discouraged, I went to my mentor for all things creative and artsy, Elizabeth Johnson, and without missing a beat, she showed me the solution I needed: a Paperlike iPad Screen Cover! I had no idea that such a thing existed! I ordered one and after putting it onto my iPad, I was beyond relieved to once again feel the familiar paper surface on which I had grown up drawing. And the best part is, my cover lasted me over a year!

It made creating artwork so much more natural and less intimidating. It was just like sketching on paper… an incredibly expensive fancy paper but a paper-like surface all the same! Before any artist tosses their brand new iPad, I would strongly suggest they buy a Paperlike screen cover first. It will bring back the natural feeling we all know and make the drawing experience so much more enjoyable!

Check out some of Paperlike’s screen covers.

See some of Elizabeth Johnson’s stunning designs.

Watch a video of me switching out my own Paperlike cover.

Until next time!

-Berlynn Natzke